Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (2024)

Welcome to the June 2024 update.Here are a few, select highlights of the many we have for Power BI. You can now download large semantic models, Power BI enhanced report format (PBIR), and Subfolder support in Power BI Report Builder.There is much more to explore, please continue to read on!

Join us at Europe’s first Fabric Community Conference, the ultimate Power BI, Fabric, SQL & AI learning event in Stockholm, Sweden from September 24 -27, 2024.

With 120 sessions, daily keynotes, 10 pre-conference workshops, an expo hall with community lounge, and “ask the expert” area, the conference offers a rich learning experience you don’t want to miss. This is a unique opportunity to meet the Microsoft teams building these products, customers betting their business on them, and partners at the forefront of deployment and adoption.

Register today using code MSCUST for an exclusive discount!

We’d like to thank the thousands of you who completed the Fabric AI Skills Challenge and earned a free voucher for Exam DP-600 which leads to the Fabric Analytics Engineer Associate certification.

If you earned a free voucher, you can find redemption instructions in your email. We recommend that you schedule your exam now, before your discount voucher expires on June 24th. All exams must be scheduled and completed by this date.

If you need a little more help with exam prep, visit the Fabric Career Hub which has expert-led training, exam crams, practice tests and more.

If you are accessing Power BI on a web browser version older than Chrome 94, Edge 94, Safari 16.4, Firefox 93, or equivalent, you need upgrade your web browser to a newer version by August 31, 2024. Using an outdated browser version after this date, may prevent you from accessing features in Power BI.

  • Version number: v: 2.130.754.0
  • Date published: 6/11/2024
  • Reporting
    • Visual calculations update
    • Power BI Home in Desktop is now generally available!
  • Modeling
    • Download large semantic models
    • New INFO functions
  • Mobile
    • Show Visuals as Tables
  • Developers
    • Power BI enhanced report format (PBIR)
  • Visualizations
    • New visuals in AppSource
    • Word Cloud by Powerviz
    • Drill Down Timeline PRO by ZoomCharts
    • Attribute Control Chart by Nova Silva
    • Download Button by JTA
    • New Updates for accoPLANNING (Release 69)
  • Paginated Reports
    • Subfolder support in Power BI Report Builder

Visual calculations update Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (5)

Support for scatter plot and maps

You have asked, and we’ve delivered: scatter plots and maps are now supported with visual calculations! This means you can now add visual calculations to these visual types. Please note that the play axis is not yet supported.

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (6)

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (7)

Highlights in visual matrix

If you look closely at the previous screenshots, you might notice we have added a highlight to the visual matrix to indicate which visual calculation you are editing. We plan to rely on the visual matrix to make working with visual calculations even easier in the future. This highlight is just the first step of our plans.

For more information about visual calculations read our documentation. Please try the preview today andlet us know what you think.

Power BI Home in Desktop is now generally available!

We are excited to announce that the new Power BI Home in Desktop is now generally available! Introduced last February, this update brings new functionalities that make it easier for users to create reports. With data sources directly accessible from the home screen and enhanced discoverability features like the recommendation section and the quick access list, getting started is simpler than ever.

Check out the documentation to learn more about all the new features and start using them today.

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (8)

Download large semantic models

We are thrilled to announce that you can now download your large semantic models to Power BI Desktop as a .pbix file! Previously you could only edit reports connected to these models in live connected report mode. Now you can open and edit your reports and the large model itself as a .pbix file all within Desktop! This unlocks the full end to end Desktop authoring experience you know and love for your large semantic models.

Learn more information including limitations in our documentation.

New INFO functions

New INFO functions are available in June 2024. All the INFO functions are DAX function versions of existing Analysis Services Dynamic Management Views (DMVs), so that documentation is provided here for additional information.

DAX functionDMVColumns documentation

And all INFO functions can now take optional input parameters. As DMVs these optional input parameters are called restrictions. For all the INFO functions this includes their columns, but some have additional restrictions. INFO.CALCDEPENCY can specify QUERY as one if it’s restrictions, or optional input parameters, allowing you to analyze the items in the semantic model needed for that DAX query. This is helpful when analyzing what is being used by the semantic model in a DAX query from a visual in a report.

For example, these are valid uses of INFO functions with and without the input parameters:

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (9)

Learn more at

  • INFO functions blog
  • Deep dive into DAX query view

Additionally, a bug with the copy functionality of the results grid has been fixed. Previously, if the results included a blank cell the copy did not work. Now copy works with blank cells, and we included a right-click copy as well as the option to choose if you want to copy the entire table or just the selected cells from the copy button.

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (10)

Copy > Entire table will include the headers. Copy > Selected cells by selecting all the cells, including if you click the table icon in the top left of the results, will not include the headers.

Show Visuals as Tables Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (11)

We strive to make the Power BI mobile app as accessible as possible for everyone. That’s why, in this month’s update, we’ve added the Show Visuals as Tables view mode to all reports. Use this feature to instantly view all the visuals (excluding slicers, cards, and non-data-driven visuals) in your report as table visuals. This feature makes it possible for users who rely on accessibility screen readers to read the underlying data presented in each visual. It also benefits users who prefer to see their data in tabular form, which is more like viewing it in Excel.

To turn on the Show Visuals as Tables view mode, tap the new button that has been added to the options menu (…) in the report header. The view mode is applied to all pages in the report. To go back to the regular view, tap Show original visuals in the same menu.

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (12)

Power BI enhanced report format (PBIR)Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (13)

We are very excited to announce the Power BI enhanced report format (PBIR) for Power BI Project files (PBIP). This marks a significant milestone in achieving the primary goal of Power BI Desktop developer mode: provide source control friendly file formats that unblock co-development and enhance development efficiency.

Power BI Projects (PBIP) now support saving the report and semantic model into a folder using source-control friendly formats: PBIR for the report and TMDL for the semantic model.

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (14)

The PBIR file format greatly simplifies the tracking of changes and resolution of merge conflicts by using properly formatted JSON and organizing each visual, page, bookmark, etc., in separate individual files within a folder structure.

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (15)

You can also greatly enhance your report development efficiency, either by simply copy & paste visuals/pages/bookmarks/… files between reports or apply manual/programmatic batch changes to the

PBIR files.

Unlike PBIR-Legacy (report.json), PBIR is a publicly documented format and allows modifications from non-Power BI applications. Each file has a public JSON schema, which documents each property and lets code editors like Visual Studio Code perform syntax validation while editing. On open, Power BI Desktop will validate the changed PBIR files to guarantee successful loading.

How to enable it?

PBIR is currently in preview, and you can only create or convert existing Power BI project files to PBIR using Power BI Desktop. You must first enable the feature in Power BI Desktop preview features: go toFile>Options and settings>Options>Preview featuresand check the box next to “Store reports using enhanced metadata format (PBIR)”.

During preview, Fabric Git Integrationand Fabric REST Apis will continue to use PBIR-Legacy (report.json) when exporting the report definitions. However, if the report is imported into Fabric using PBIR format, then both features will start exporting the report definition using PBIR format. At General Availability, PBIR will become the default report format.


Initially, the PBIR format will have some service restrictions, such as:

  • Unable to publish the report in Power BI App.
  • Unable to use subscriptions.
  • Unable to download PBIX.

These restrictions will be removed in the following months.

Find out more about PBIR and the limitations of Public Preview in our documentation.

New visuals in AppSource

Aimplan Status Visual

Water Cup Matrix Planner


hi-chart Reporting Studio

Word Cloud by Powerviz

Powerviz’s Word Cloud is a visual representation of text, with word size indicating frequency or importance in the given content. It offers a quick overview of key themes and is commonly used in presentations and data analysis to highlight patterns and key terms.

Key Features:

  • Word Options: Customize text styles and appearance.
  • Direction: Control word orientation with various styles.
  • Colors: Choose from 30+ color schemes.
  • Shapes: Create unique word clouds with icons and images.
  • Ranking: Filter out Top/Bottom N Words.
  • Exclude: Easily remove unwanted words, symbols from the text to create a clean and focused word cloud.
  • Conditional Formatting: Easily spot words with dynamic rules.
  • Lasso/Reverse Lasso: Select and deselect multiple words together.

Business Use Cases:

  • Marketing: Analyze feedback, SEO keywords, and sentiment.
  • Education: Improve writing skills and engage students with word clouds.
  • Market Research: Quickly analyze survey responses and opinions.
  • Presentations: Capture attention and summarize information visually.
  • Data Analysis: Explore textual data for insights and trends.

🔗 Try Word Cloud Visual for FREE from AppSource

📊 Check out all features of the visual: Demo file

📃 Step-by-step instructions: Documentation

💡 YouTube Video: Video Link

📍 Learn more about visuals: https://powerviz.ai/

Follow Powerviz: https://lnkd.in/gN_9Sa6U

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (16)

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (17)

Drill Down Timeline PRO by ZoomCharts

With Drill Down Timeline PRO, you can create slick and intuitive timeline charts with up to 25 series. Users can easily drill down by simply clicking data directly on the chart – for example, the initial view can show aggregated monthly totals, and the user can click on a specific month to quickly access daily values.

When paired with other visuals that support cross-filtering, Timeline PRO can become a part of a dynamic and engaging report that provides quick and all-encompassing insights to the user. For example, when you select a specific time range on Timeline PRO, other visuals will display data that’s relevant only to that time period. Conversely, other visuals or slicers can dynamically filter data on your timeline chart as you explore the report.

Main Features:

  • On-chart drill down
  • Up to 25 series (columns, lines, and areas)
  • ‘Legend’ field support
  • Custom date/time hierarchy (from milliseconds to decades)
  • DAX measure support
  • Customization – defaults or individual series settings
  • Up to 4 static or dynamic threshold lines/areas
  • Conditional formatting
  • Touch support

🌐Get Drill Down Timeline PRO on AppSource

Product Page | Documentation | Follow ZoomCharts on LinkedIn | Community

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (18)

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (19)

Attribute Control Chart by Nova Silva

Maintaining quality standards is a non-negotiable aspect of every successful operation. Enter the new Attribute Control Chart for Power BI, a robust mechanism for monitoring and controlling categorical data variations.

The Attribute Control Chart offers a comprehensive suite of six attribute charts to cater to diverse analytical needs:

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (20)

  • c chart: Monitors number of defects per sample (sample size is constant).
  • u chart: Tracks the number of defects per unit (sample size varies).
  • Laney u’ chart: A modified version of the u chart to adjust for overdispersion or under dispersion in your data.
  • p chart: Observes the proportion of defective items per sample (sample size varies).
  • Laney p’ chart: A modified version of the p chart to adjust for overdispersion or under dispersion in your data.
  • np chart: Displays the count of defective items per sample (sample size is constant).

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (21)

Power BI users can delve deeper into their data, facilitating timely decision-making and continuous improvement. From manufacturing to healthcare, the Attribute Control Chart equips organizations across industries with the insights needed to uphold quality standards and drive operational excellence.

Ready to experience the Attribute Control Chart? Download it from AppSource today and explore its capabilities with your own data – try for free!

Download Button by JTA

The “Download Button by JTA” is a custom visual designed specifically for Power BI users, empowering them to export large datasets effortlessly.

Key Features:

Enhanced Data Export: Download up to 300,000 rows and 15 columns of data in CSV format

Customizable Interface: Tailor the visual interface to match the reporting style


The custom visual leverages the browser’s cache memory. It works by fetching data in chunks of 30k rows, storing each chunk in the browser’s cache until the entire dataset is compiled for download. This incremental approach requires the use of browser memory to ensure seamless processing. Unfortunately, this means that the visual does not operate as intended in Power BI Desktop due to technical constraints and security restrictions within that environment and you must use the Power BI Service.

For the very same reason, there’s a possibility that it may encounter limitations or restrictions in certain browsers. Each browser has its own set of security measures and permissions that can affect how our visual operates.

If you liked what you saw, you can try it for yourself and find more information here.

Also, if you want to download it, you can find the visual package on the AppSource.

You can watch the video on YouTube using the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDZYmOWGi7g&t=4s

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (22)

New Updates for accoPLANNING (Release 69)

accoPLANNING for Power BI enhances your business capabilities with advanced planning, forecasting, budgeting, project management, and analysis solutions, all while enabling writeback capabilities.

Exciting New Features in This Release:

  • Advanced Options and Save State: Customize column and row colors, adjust text formats, and create custom calculated rows and columns.
  • Improved Settings Interface: We have completely revamped the formatting areas and relocated some settings to make them more intuitive.
  • Writeback Table Scripts: Easily create writeback tables in your database for accoPLANNING visuals with this new feature.
  • Dropdown List: Limit input to predefined values from a dropdown list – perfect for data validation.
  • New Aggregation Options: We’ve added Median, Product, Min, and Max, among other useful aggregations for ad hoc scenarios.
  • Enhanced Copy-Paste Functionality: Improved copy-paste capabilities between Excel and the visual.
  • Themes: Quickly create visually appealing reports with new theme options.
  • Self-Hosted API: Now available with enhanced data security features, including additional encryption.
  • Fabric Ready: the visual now supports writeback directly to Fabric Data Warehouse.

By integrating accoPLANNING with Power BI, you can streamline your planning and reporting processes. For more details,visit our website.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/qfdXQHVWjKo

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (23)

Subfolder support in Power BI Report Builder

You can now open reports that are in folders and subfolders from Power BI Report Builder. These reports may reside in folders and/ subfolders in workspaces that the user has access to.

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (24)

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (25)

You can also publish paginated reports to folders/subfolders that you have access to in the Power BI service. Learn more about creating folders in workspaces.

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (26)

That is all for this month! We hope that you enjoy the update! If you installed Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft Store,please leave us a review.

As always, keep voting onIdeasto help us determine what to build next. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Power BI June 2024 Feature Summary (2024)


Is Power BI still in demand in 2024? ›

In 2024, Power BI roles will be more important than ever for advancing careers across many different industries. As we've seen, there are several exciting career paths you can take with Power BI skills, each providing unique ways to work with data and drive impactful decisions.

What is the question and answer feature in Power BI? ›

The Q&A feature in Power BI lets you explore your data in your own words. Q&A is available on dashboards in the Power BI service and can be added to reports in the Power BI service or Power BI Desktop. This article is written for business users, and explains how to use the Q&A feature in a report.

Is Power BI enough to get a job? ›

Yes, you need expertise in Power BI. However, employers also look for strong analytical thinkers who can problem-solve and derive meaningful business insights from data.

Is there a future for Power BI? ›

Yes, Power BI will be in high demand in 2024, and its demand will be ever-increasing due to its features and services.

What is the highest salary for Power BI? ›

Highest salary that a Senior Power BI Developer can earn is ₹21.6 Lakhs per year (₹1.8L per month).

Is Power BI being discontinued? ›

The Power BI Windows app was retired on December 31st, 2023, and is no longer supported.

What is the summarize feature in Power BI? ›

Cross-table analysis: The SUMMARIZE function in Power BI can combine data from tables with related columns. You can integrate or blend data from separate sources.

How to crack a Power BI interview? ›

You should be familiar with the components that make up BI solution architecture in general and how Power BI fits into this architecture. You should also know how to connect Power BI to multiple data sources and import and transform that data in Power BI (using Power Query).

What is KPI in Power BI? ›

APPLIES TO: Power BI Desktop Power BI service. A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a visual cue that communicates the amount of progress made toward a measurable goal. For more about KPIs, see Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in PowerPivot.

Is Power BI harder than Excel? ›

Power BI and Excel have many similarities in terms of functionalities and how the data is presented or how we make the connection with the other data sources. Excel is much easier to use than Power BI, but Power BI has a certain upper hand, like better visualization.

What is the average salary of a Power BI consultant? ›

Very High Confidence means the data is based on a large number of latest salaries. Power BI Consultant salary in India ranges between ₹ 3.6 Lakhs to ₹ 16.1 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 8.3 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 694 latest salaries received from Power BI Consultants. 2 - 8 years exp.

Is Power BI easier than SQL? ›

If you prioritize data management, complex database systems, and data modeling, Microsoft SQL Server is a solid choice. However, if your focus is on data visualization, interactive reporting, and self-service analytics, Microsoft Power BI provides a more user-friendly and agile solution.

Will Power BI replace Excel? ›

Conclusion. In conclusion, both Power BI and Excel offer a range of advantages for data reporting. Power Bi can analyse data from multiple sources and create interactive visualisations. However, Excel's pivot tables are still a powerful feature that can be useful for certain reporting needs.

Is Power BI better than Python? ›

Power BI, on the other hand, has its data models focused on ingestion and building relatively complex models. Python is the best when it comes to handling streaming data. With its big user data, Python can easily help you find a package to parse the data collected by the user, even if it's an obscure type.

Is there anything better than Power BI? ›

The best overall Microsoft Power BI alternative is Tableau. Other similar apps like Microsoft Power BI are Looker, Sisense, Domo, and Qlik Sense. Microsoft Power BI alternatives can be found in Analytics Platforms but may also be in Embedded Business Intelligence Software or Statistical Analysis Software.

Is selecting Power BI as a career path good? ›

Is Power BI a good career option? Yes, Power BI offers excellent career prospects in data analytics and business intelligence due to its widespread adoption and the growing demand for data-driven decision-making.

Is Power BI still relevant? ›

User-friendly and affordable: Power BI is easy to use and affordable for businesses of all sizes. This makes it a popular choice compared to other BI tools. Market growth and popularity: Power BI is becoming more popular, and its market share is increasing rapidly, as shown by Gartner's Magic Quadrant 2023.

What is the salary for Power BI with 3 years experience? ›

Average Annual Salary
Data Science & Analytics Power BI Developer Salary 2 - 5 years exp.₹6.3 Lakhs ₹3.6 L/yr - ₹9 L/yr
Research & Development Power BI Developer Salary 2 - 5 years exp.₹5.9 Lakhs ₹4 L/yr - ₹7.8 L/yr
3 more rows


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